22.5" x 15" india ink on 140lb hot press Arches (unframed)
Also available as a $35 print here.
Wilderness as noise, noise as art.
Image drawn from a photo of my yard in Huntsville - early spring. I am very fond of paintings that simply look like a mess, a pile (of lines). I often draw inspiration from the work of Anish Kapoor. I like a lot of his work and often for different reasons depending on the work, but some of my favourite pieces include the 'Blood Sticks' and concrete coils. The results of a process designed to create structures that embody somewhat chaotic dynamics.

'Dismemberment of Jeanne d'Arc'

'Blood Stick'

concrete coils

concrete coils
The idea of randomness is actually difficult to define precisely. I am learning all about that right now as I am finally delving into complex systems. See this page.